

I really hate my pc at the moment.

It is getting to the point where points are viable impliments for other people's eyes... Not that anyone else has done anything wrong, but really, if the world is going to cause me days upon days of stress and 25,000 bloody spanners in the crudding works, I have a right to do something... unproductive - right?

I have various new bits of computery stuff. A new shiny keyboard, a new internal HD and an external one.

1) The shiny keyboard is shiny and keyboardy and great. No complaints! WooHoo!

2) The external -rectal excretion- Hard Drive now no longer realizes it is in fact inserted into a feckign computer! It has no knowledge, it worked once, and realized the helpful Hard-drive life as the slave of one pissed off student as too much so now it just whurrs away blissfully in a world of its own, randomly deigning to look at the system from time to time but only to fail on the install and run away again.!

3) And this is the fucking clintcher! This is the one that takes the biscuit, shoves it up your arse jumps out with hammy the fucking wonder gerbil and does a tango on you nerves. I have spent DAYS trying to get an OS onto the damned internal hard drive, which is working fine thankfully. But this process has resulted in 7 failed cd burns, the last of which is an OS but not the one I wanted. A computer which now does not like the idea of cds or (heaven forbid) DV-fecktarding-Ds and throws the biggest, bluest, angry beeping screen of death that you have ever seen! I mean really, its like that blue troop effort with the drums, you know what im talking about, the thing with loads of men painted like smurfs, who then decide to pack up the ghost of light entertainment and go on a rampage around the rest of the cast and crew only to kill themselves in the process.

I mean. It just wouldn't work.

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